Animalization Victim

Animalization Victim
This is JJ - this is his face when he realized he was being animalized. he's slow, it took him til we had 5 or so before he came to the realization.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

its been a while!!

whoa... not that there hasnt been any animal activity since Feb, there certainly has been. It's been so consuming wrangling my mammals that I have not found the time to post any postings regarding such wrangling!! my apologies to no one. here's a stock foto to tide you over until i have pics and video of mox-a-box-a-rox TOTALLY CRUSHING at agility. can we say FLASHED FA??!! ya to da boo.
ps. deese r not ma kittehs. and i had no part in stacking them thusly either. but some one had a really grate idier.


sock hands said...

note to your file/face: if you stack our doggenzez, despite the remarkable space savings, i will still notice how many there are. if you try to sneak another doggenz in the stack, i will attack, and you don't want that.

iz gotz the powa

Moxie Crimefighter said...

BUT I LUVZ STAKS N STAKS OF KITTEHS!!! and you will do no such attacking. seriously, i hold the power an you kno it. its not even up for discussin.

Here, In My Head said...

Moxie... check out the cute little 8 week old kittens I just brought home. Buffy, Jackie O and Leo. Love em!