Animalization Victim

Animalization Victim
This is JJ - this is his face when he realized he was being animalized. he's slow, it took him til we had 5 or so before he came to the realization.

Monday, July 2, 2007

sad state of affairs for climbing in ohio

probably a good thing jj's in the boot... or else he'd make me go here: John Bryan State Park (check out that choss, jj would love it). top roping only, bouldering strictly prohibited. which means jj would get arrested in ohio. again.

for your entertainment try checking off rules jj would break while climbing here:
Guidelines for use of Rock Climbing Areas
-All climbers and spectators must register at the park office before going to climbing area at John Bryan State Park. Each Climber or spectator must take a registration tag from the board upon registration. If no tags are available, you must wait until someone checks out. tags?? what the hell is this, a ski resort??
-All climbers and spectators must have their registration tag on their person in plain view while in the climbing area. Registered climbers and spectators must also have their copy of their evidence of registration on their person while in the climbing area. jj climbs half naked... i dont want to know where he's going to stash all this documentation...
-All climbers and spectators must check out when finished by returning the registration tag to the board at the park office. Other climbers may be waiting for you to check out so they may register to climb. jj wont check out for 2 reasons: hordeing the area to keep others from climbing there, and because he'll be in too big of a hurry to commence with pizza/beer consumption
-Climbing is permitted only at designated sites. Each site is limited to a maximum of 10 people at a time. on first point: designated area schmesignated schmerea. on second point: jj travels with an entourage of at least 28 people carrying 32 pads.
-Climbers must be top roped at all times. No Lead Climbing or Bouldering.
Secure to anchor bolts only. No tying to trees. WHAT? NO TYING TO TREES? what about climbing the trees? plus, top roping is for sissies. you cant expect a stud like jj to comply with that rule...
-All climbing sites must be vacated at sunset. Climbers must check out before park closes 1/2 hours after sunset. oh boy... jj never gets out of ANYWHERE before sunset... he wears no watch, has no internal clock, and doesnt CARE for such things as hours of the day. plus, he usually leaves something behind that he has to go scampering back into the forest to retrieve (with his pad still on his back just in case he gets jumped by a mountain lion...)
Practice Environmentally Conscious Climbing: well, jj does love the environment...
-Minimize trips to the top. ok, you've all seen the boot... jj's not afraid of heights. he LOVES heights.
-Do not top-out. Lower down instead. perhaps this rule could have saved jj from the boot. alas, his greatest enjoyment in life is derived from standing on the top of a boulder, pounding his chest, waving his fists in the air, and stomping around like a monkey declaring victory over nature and his general "better-than-you-ness"
-Minimize the distances you travel from the cliff to avoid vegetation. jj LOVES taking the long way over a short distance, to enjoy the natural surroundings... i refer to it as getting lost... (plus, jj doesnt avoid vegitation - how many times has he asked chuffer what poison ivy looks like???)
-Leave the area cleaner than it was when you arrived. possibly and probably the only rule jj will leave unbroken. unless you count the excrement he'll leave behind... and i'm not even talking about the dogs...


sock hands said...

i will still never forget the surprise when that little asian-esque kid from denison was topping out at hocking hills and pulled off a solid cinder block sized piece of the boulder's lip into his chest and rolled 50 yards down a hill.

since no injury occured, i'd definitely pay to see it again.

gots to have tons of rules for supachoss!

chuffer said...

It will be hard for you to top this post Amy. Classic stuff.

Situner said...

Ha ha ha ha ha

Nice Amy!


What DOES poison ivy look like chip?