Animalization Victim

Animalization Victim
This is JJ - this is his face when he realized he was being animalized. he's slow, it took him til we had 5 or so before he came to the realization.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Da Boo

dis is da boo.
dis is da boo and his pineappoe.

da boo LOOOOOOOOVE his pineappoe.

he LOOOOOOOOVE to put da pineappoe onto jj. it's his favowit thing.

It may look like da boo is sleeping. but dont you dare touch that pineappoe. unless it is to throws it for da boo, so dat da boo may goes and gets it, and put it on you. and poke it. and poke it. and paw at it. and whine a little. and then sleep on it.