Animalization Victim

Animalization Victim
This is JJ - this is his face when he realized he was being animalized. he's slow, it took him til we had 5 or so before he came to the realization.

Monday, August 27, 2007

flood cleanup = gross

first and foremost: aminals. deese are some drrty ducks. see the signs below, they are swimming in front of that fort.
enlarge the picture - these people are very patriotic, they always have these flags lining their yard. but i cant figure out if they're in the trash pile now (got wet and thusly are little mold factories), or just patriotically lining the yard again.
i did not make this sign. or put that wig on that skeleton. i swear.

i did not make this sign either. i SWEAR!!! (fun fact: dad and i helped build this fort a few years ago... dad got the world's largest and deepest splinter because he refused to use the gloves i brought for him; he had to go to the hospital and have it surgically removed by an actual surgeon! no joke.)

this pile of stuff is from just our neighborhood. they are piling it here so there arent 500 cars trying to go in and out of the landfill. it's about 1/3 of the ruined bits of people's houses, theres still 2/3 of it blocking our street growing mold and smelling like mildew and crap. lovely.

1 comment:

sock hands said...

i must sew that onto the butt of all my pants IMMEDIATELY !!!!!!11111