driving along down brookside (my street) which is now mostly a street again, at least at our end (the other end, the way into town, is still under 4' of water for about 2 blocks), we saw a 24" carp flopping around in a quickly shrinking drainage ditch puddle... with a plastic bag and no camera (UGH!) and the help of a fearless neighbor with big hands, i got the carp (halfway) into the bag and carried to a pond nearby. it broke the bag (darn thing had to weigh 7 or 8 lbs... any other guesses as to how much a 24" carp would weigh??) and i had to carry its head in the bag and its tail in my hand (IIIIICK) the rest of the way, but it seemed quite happy to be in deeper water.
upon walking out to the mailbox to see if by chance the mailman still got thru today (NO), i found there are 5 or 6 little fishies swimming in the puddle around the mailbox post. my next project is to get them out with a net, and bucket them into our neighbor's pond! he will be glad, as most of his little fishies are now 2 miles down the road. i'll help him start restocking. i'll take pictures this time!