Animalization Victim

Animalization Victim
This is JJ - this is his face when he realized he was being animalized. he's slow, it took him til we had 5 or so before he came to the realization.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

moo's puppy

jazz is helping. or showing off. or saying, "you're totally doing it WRONG."

eric's puppy

at 1 year old, zach cant quite walk on whole legs yet... so for now will settle for using half legs.

and also, here he is laughing his head off!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

too much snow outside for walks

so we has ta do dis dumb cwap.

koisow wud NOT weav me aWONE!!! he has a stwange obseshun wif ma ee-uhs.

bwoowah is a big BABY. he wont do da moving sidewak unwes mama is on dayuh wif him.

eatin da kwismis pwesent

fwum matt n kwistin...

dey was tastee but VEWY VEWY CHEWY!!! dey stiks in ma teefies!!!! daddy sed dey was cawd "mike n ikes???" but dey tases wike jehwy beens to me. bwoowah made wewy weeud faces!!

bwoowah wooks wike dis skewy guy:

el tigre

dey has tiegwes at da aqwayweeum!!

da fishies - NOT mammals!

but deys pwuty!!! cep for da ones dat is skewy. dat is da poysun ones an da gween one wif da teefies.

hmm... wuks wike daddy!